Can I complete my placement at more than one host provider?

We understand that Work Placement can be an exciting experience for you, and you may wish to broaden your experience in the field by going to multiple host providers to complete your Work Placement hours. In some instances, you might be presented an opportunity to complete your Work Placement hours at more than one host provider during their term.

While this is a rare and exciting opportunity, unfortunately we are not able to allow you to complete your Work Placement at more than one host provider.

This is due to two important factors:

Work Load - As per the Work Placement Logbook activity requirements, you will be required to be familiar with the children and the facility that you are completing their Work Placement hours in. The activities will require permissions from supervisors (and if applicable, guardians for children) and tracking progressions for each individual over the course of your Work Placement hours. This will mean that any Logbook activities completed at one host provider, will also need to be completed at your other host provider. This would be too many tasks to complete in the allotted 150-200 hours.

Operational Needs - While you are completing your Work Placement, you will be provided with an Assessor Visit from an assessor provided by the College, to make sure that you are able to accurately conduct specific activities required, outlined in your Logbooks. If you were to complete their Work Placement hours at multiple host providers, an assessor visit would need to be organised for each host provider.  

Still need clarification or help? 

Simply reach out to our friendly Work Placement Team by submitting a Request or use the Help widget.

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