Throughout the term, students have more than one attempt to submit their assessments if they are marked Not Yet Satisfactory or NYS - check out How many assessment resubmission opportunities do I receive? for more details!
If you go to resubmit your work and the 'red submission' button is not active for you, it could be for one of the below reasons:
- If you have mistakenly used an attempt (uploaded the wrong assessment, the file was unable to be opened etc.) please contact your trainer and your student experience team to confirm.
- If you have utilised all submission attempts available to you, you will need to wait for the final resubmission workshop that takes place outside of the term (usually within the first weeks of the following term). This may incur a resubmission fee. To find out more, check out What do I do if I receive an unsatisfactory course progress warning letter?
- If it is a general error and you should have an attempt left, it may be that the due date has passed, and the portal is closed. Your submission attempts must be used within the term. You can always contact your Student Experience Team to help you check out how many attempts you have left!
Pssst! Not quite sure what NYS is? Luckily we've put together an article on what 'S' and 'NYS' mean.
If you would like to read up on specific assessment resubmission information, please see Section A5 of the Student Handbook for details.
Still need clarification or help?
Simply reach out to our friendly Admissions Team by submitting a Request or use the Help widget.
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