What types of assessments will I do throughout my course?

The official names of assessments might come across as a bit daunting if you are unfamiliar, so we've put together a little guide on the assessments you will come across in your studies with us.

Assessment Tasks

  • Assessments to be completed throughout the term, where you will be asked to research and document depending on the content you will be learning throughout the term.

Practical Exams 

  • An in-class assessment type where you'll be asked to demonstrate some of the techniques learnt throughout the term.

Written Exams 

  • In-class or online assessment type where you'll need to answer questions related to the course content you would have learnt throughout the term.

External Assessment Tasks (Logbook)

  • If you are out on work placement, you will be required to document the hours you undertake within your work placement centre, and will have tasks to complete while doing so.

If you would like to read up on specific assessment resubmission information, please see Section A5 of the Student Handbook for details.

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