Paying your fees is easy and can be done in a few simple steps, using your Student Portal (RTOM).
Firstly, you need to log in to your RTOM account (if you are having trouble logging in, check out Why can't I access my Student Portal? for further assistance).
Once you have logged in, click on your 'Payment' tab up the top:
From here, click on 'Pay Now' beside your outstanding fee. If nothing shows up, please ensure you are enabling pop-ups as this could be blocking the site!
Once you have allowed pop-ups, click on 'Pay Now' again and you will be given the option to choose to pay either of the following two ways:
- Credit Card - Visa and MasterCard cards are accepted. A service fee of 1.00% applies.
As soon as you have paid you will be sent proof of payment, which you need to keep safe for your records!
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Simply reach out to our friendly Student Experience Team by submitting a Request or use the Help widget.
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