Why can't I access my Zoom class?

Here are some of the common issues you might encounter when trying to access your Zoom class—and how to fix them!

Issue 1: "I have the Zoom link, but it won’t let me in."

  1. Check your internet connection
    Slow or unstable internet is often the cause of Zoom connection issues. Make sure your internet is working smoothly before trying again.
  2. Link might be expired or incorrect
    Double-check that you’re using the correct Zoom link for the class you are trying to join. Sometimes an outdated or wrong link can be shared by mistake. Make sure it matches your class for the day!
  3. Still having trouble?
    If you are sure the link is right and your internet is fine, reach out to your Student Experience Team. They can help sort out any issues.

Issue 2: "I’m in the Zoom room, but nothing is loading."

  1. Trainer hasn’t started yet
    If the session hasn’t begun yet, you might see a message like "Trainer has not yet started the class." Don’t worry! Just wait a bit and your trainer will join shortly.
  2. You might be on the wrong class or time
    It’s easy to click on the wrong Zoom link by mistake. Check your timetable to make sure you are trying to join the right class at the right time.
  3. You missed the class
    If you are trying to join after the scheduled class time, it’s possible you have missed the session. Check your schedule to confirm when the class is happening and make sure you are joining on time.

If you have checked all of these and are still having trouble, please contact your Student Experience Team by submitting a Request or use the Help widget.

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