How to apply for Credit Transfer using your USI VET Transcript?

If you have previously completed the same Unit of Competency (UoC) with another Registered Training Organisation (RTO), you can apply for a Credit Transfer (CT) by granting ALG permission to view and verify your USI VET Transcript.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure the UoC you are applying for is visible in your USI portal and has the status CA (Competency Achieved).
    Note: If the UoC is not visible or does not have the status CA, you must provide a certified copy of your qualification testamur or Statement of Attainment instead.
  • Complete the required Credit Transfer Application form.

Steps to Grant Permission

  1. Log in to the USI Student Portal
  2. Select Provide Your USI.
    CT_Provide your USI.png
  3. Under Set up access to your USI account/Permissions, click on Add Organisation.
    CT_Add organisation.png
  4. Enter 91165 as the Organisation Code and click Search.
    CT_Search organisation.png
  5. Once you have the search results, click on Add.
    CT_Search result_Add.png
  6. Tick View VET Transcript to allow ALG to view your transcripts.
  7. Choose an expiry date (anywhere between 3 months and 2 years) and click Save.
    CT_Set Permissions.png

For detailed instructions, visit:

Next Steps

After completing the above steps, notify the relevant ALG team and include your completed Credit Transfer Application form.

    • If you have not started your course with ALG: Contact the Admissions Team at
    • If you are a current student already enrolled at ALG: Contact the Student Experience Team by submitting a request or emailing

Still need clarification or help?
Simply reach out to our friendly Student Experience Team by submitting a Request or use the Help widget

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